Beachbody (BODi)
Video content design & scripting, user engagement quiz case study
Beachbody Performance Energize Supplement
Promotional Video
Problem to solve: How might we tell an engaging, easy-to-understand story of a research study where cyclists who used Performance Energize saw improved time trial performance?

My role: Created and pitched the idea to senior leadership. Worked with internal science and R&D team to collect and validate research findings. Created video storyboard and wrote script. Oversaw the content design and assisted graphic designer with creative direction, cadence, and production of video.

Results: Published and promoted on social media channels; engagement metrics showed the highest number of likes and shares for all posted video content for the month of promotion. Increased the number of leads to the product page from social by 45%.
Graphic and motion design by Armando Torellini
Beachbody on Demand
User Quiz Case Study
Copy and design property of Beachbody (BODi).

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