Sunsets and sunrises evoke awe in their often dramatic streaks of rose, lemon, and coral. Their splendor lasts a short while before the sky fades into darkness or spreads a brightening glow. I took this photo one evening when I was at the beach with my son. It reminds me that although the sun rises and sets each day we're gifted, we often neglect to take the time to appreciate it.  
I’m a writer. I love words and arranging them in ways that can make you feel seen. I like reading the words of others in print form, the crinkle of turning pages, the heft of a hardcover, bending the spine of a new paperback. 

Movement makes me feel alive. Roam undistracted for long enough and the moving body stills the mind, whispering a reminder that we have all that we need inside of us.

Food inspires me. The way a flavor or aroma casts an illusion in our minds that feels familiar and comforting, or how the act of mixing and heating ingredients then sitting down to eat tells the story of all of us.
I took this photo on a November day in a park in Japan. The way the sunlight casts its rays on the gold- and flame-colored leaves accentuates their incandescence, but the leaves in the shadows are just as stunning if we choose to notice them. Although my mom is Chinese and was raised in Taiwan, there's something about Japan that feels like a second home to me.
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